Kamis, 21 Maret 2024

What happened on Thursday

Continuous rain 

Hello everyone, this time I will tell you about what happened on Thursday
  At that time, Thursday, March 14 2024, the city of Semarang was hit by quite heavy rain which caused almost half of the city of Semarang to be flooded.
  This happened because the rain lasted for three days in a row starting from Wednesday to Friday, in the area of ​​my own house it can be said that it is very difficult to get flooded because it has ditches and sewers that are quite wide and deep so it is very difficult for water to get up. above the surface. I am very grateful to live in this place, but I asked questions and wanted to know what caused flooding for three days in a row in the city of Semarang. 
  After I searched for information from various sources, it turned out that the main cause was land subsidence which was getting lower and lower day by day and was added to by flooding. Not only that, the floods that hit were also caused by extreme weather. 
  Head of BMKG, Dwikorita Karnawati, this extreme weather occurred because there were three cyclone seeds in the South Indian Ocean, triggering high waves and the formation of rain clouds. The head of BMKG also predicted and warned a week before the rain occurred. My hope is that we can better anticipate and overcome things like this in the future.

Thank you for reading my blog :D

Jumat, 01 Maret 2024

Recount Text

   Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Here I will tell you about the experience of recount text.

 1. Social Function 

• Stories of events or experiences that occur chronologically. To aim to provide information, news, so that readers get benefits.

2. Text Structure

• Orientation

• Events (1,2,3)

• Reorientation

3. Language Future

• Verb 2

• Transition words

4. Type of recount text

• Biography

• Personal

• Procedural

• Imagenery 


           Buying Tahu Aci with Dewa


  Last Friday, my friends and I from school wil come to the flea market with Mrs. Yuni. Dewa and I were very happy, because I wanna buy Tahu Aci with Dewa. And we went from school to the flea market starting at 8 am.


After leaving school we walked to the flea market a distance of approximately 100 meters. And so that we don't get separated we divide into groups with each group consisting of 2 people. Dewa and I immediately agreed to be in one group because our goals were the same.

 Upon arrival at the flea market Dewa and I immediately rushed to look for a Tahu Aci seller hoping to find it. We started looking from start to finish and couldn't find it here, we started to give up. But without us realizing it, we missed a road and sure enough when we entered the area there we found a Tahu Aci seller.

  In fact, when we found a Tahu Aci seller, we were disappointed. Because it turns out the queue is quite long, but what else can we do, this is our intention from the start, we will lose if it doesn't happen. And in the end Dewa and I accompanied him for 15 minutes.

  After buying Tahu Aci, Dewa and I rushed to Taman Indonesia Kaya to meet school friends and Mrs. Yuni. When we arrived at Taman Indonesia Kaya, Bu Yuni came over to us and distributed durian and nuts bought from the flea market. After finishing the durian and nuts that Mrs. Yuni distributed, we finally returned to school.


  For all that I do, from going to flea markets to going back to school, it's really fun. Gather with friends and eat together. I hope that in the future I can feel it again.  

           Thank you for reading my blog,                                    I hope you like it


Kamis, 25 Januari 2024

What is meant by Descriptive Text

Halo semuanya kali ini saya akan membagikan pemahaman saya tentang teks deskriptif

Text Structure
1. Social Function yaitu hal yang dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, bisa juga digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan subjek maupun objek seperti:
  a) orang hilang
  b) orang mendaftar kerja
  c) kriminal
  d) berjualan
  e) pasien

2. Teks struktur deskriptif terbagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu:
   1) Indentifications adalah penempatan identitas subjek atau objek pada suatu saat tertentu.
   2) Descriptions (1,2,3) adalah penggambaran dengan kata kata dengan jelas dan terperinci.
   3) Conclusion (opsional) adalah hasil akhir berdasarkan uraian yang sudah dijelaskan dari sebuah tulisan.

3. Language feature yaitu susunan kalimat: 
   a) Setence Structure yaitu teks yang meliputi SVOMPT:
     - S itu Subject yaitu suatu pokok
pembicaraan, pokok bahasan, atau pelaku.
     - V itu Verb yaitu kalimat yang merujuk pada proses, perbuatan, atau keadaan.
     - O itu Object yaitu kalimat yang berupa suatu benda maupun hal. 
    Sedangkan MPT itu adalah Adverb:
     - M itu Adverb of Manner yaitu kata yang menyatakan sebuah peristiwa dan proses suatu hal itu berlangsung.
     - P itu Adverb of Place yaitu kata yang menyatakan tempat berlangsungnya peristiwa.
     - T itu Adverb of Time yaitu kata yang menyatakan waktu berlangsungnya peristiwa.
    b) Subject & Object <= Noun yang berarti kata benda dengan tambahan tempat, ing, objektif dan terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu:
Noun Real dan Noun Abstract:

1.Noun Real:
- School
School in the city 

2.Noun Abstract :
- Education
Education for the kids



Kamis, 23 November 2023

Learning Speaking Grade X, Presentasi ABAS

 Hi guys

Let me introduce my self, my name is Muhammad Hafidh Arya Kurniawan 25, X DPIB 1

Today I prepare my self by doing a presentation for Asesmen Bersama Akhir Semester (ABAS) 

I tell about my experience during learning English with Bu Yuni, first I tell about dialogues then what I feel when learning.

This is the link for my presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF08PPFzwo/GRY6OSrDYzpdgINtWtWuBg/edit?utm_content=DAF08PPFzwo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Kamis, 16 November 2023

My English Experience

 Hello everyone!

 Today i will tell you about my experience in practicing english i have learnt taxi dialogues this is my difficult & easy thoughs in learning

Content: 1-15

here is the dialog:

lan King has just arrived in Atlanta.

lan King: Taxi!

Cab Driver: Hi, mister. Where to?

lan: The Sheraton, please.

Driver: Which one? There are three Sheratons here in Atlanta.

lan: Oh, sorry. The Sheraton Century Center.

Driver: OK. Are you here on business or on vacation?

lan: On business.

Driver: Right. Hey, where are you from?

lan: England.

Driver: England? Which part?

lan: Winchester. Do you know it?

Driver: No. But I was in London last year. Great country.

lan: Thanks.

Driver: Well, here we are. This is the Sheraton Century Center. That's $16.80.

lan: Thank you. Keep the change.

Driver: Hey, mister! This is a five dollar bill!

lan: Sorry. I thought it was a twenty. There you go.

Driver: Thanks. Have a good stay.

Link Video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Czuv7yyvT5P/?igshid=ZDE1MWVjZGVmZQ==

We think the dialogue is quite easy for us to understand and learn, but there are still obstacles and difficulties such as not being fluent in speaking and unclear intonation. We really enjoy learning English dialogue and we will try to do better.

Thank you for reading my blog :D

Rabu, 15 November 2023

Buy food at TIK

Hi everyone! i will tell you about my experience in practicing English. 

There we bought food and drinks at TIK, there we interviewed and bought zuppa soup and thai tea. My experience when doing this activity was very enjoyable.

Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you like it  :D

Link Video: 

What happened on Thursday

Continuous rain Hello everyone, this time I will tell you about what happened on Thursday At that time, Thursday, March 14 2024, the cit...